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Having trouble with internet access?

Here’s some quick tips:

  1. Make sure you’re logged in on your device. The network is Dalmeny Beach House and the password is relax2546 (password is all lower case).
  2. Open up an app on your phone such as YouTube, or Google in your default browser, then perform a search to verify the internet is working.
  3. Still not working? Turn on one of the TVs which is connected to the internet already. See if YouTube or Netflix works.
    1. If it is working on the TV, you are not connected to the Wifi network properly on your device. Refer to step 1.
    2. If it is not working on the TV, the small white router unit (not wall mounted modem) may need to be restarted. Turn the *right hand side* power switch off, on the wall power socket. Wait 10 seconds and turn back on. You’ll need to wait 2-3 minutes for the router to re-intialise and then log in again.
    3. If none of the above works, please contact Adrian and he will help troubleshoot.